Gundula Sommerer

Gundula Sommerer

Gundula Sommerer was born in Stade in 1950. She initially trained as an art teacher from 1969 to 1975 before studying ceramics and sculpture at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Bremen from 1975 to 1977. She then set up her own business as a ceramicist in Visselhövede. Study trips and work took her to the USA and to France for several years before she returned to Germany in 2004. In 2011
she also completed training as an art therapist.

Gundula Sommerer is a member of the Berufsverband Angewandte Kunst Schleswig-Holstein and the FFKK (Flensborg Fjords Kunst & Kulturforeningen).
From 2016 - 2020 she was a member of Danske Kunsthandvaerkere & Designere
and since 2017 she runs the gallery TonArt in Flensburg together with Ueze Oldenburg.

Gundula Sommerer is regularly represented at exhibitions at home and abroad (France, Denmark, Austria).

Gundula Sommerer, Keramikerin |